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英雄联盟的132位英雄的英文名是什么 ? 要完整的 有中文的 谢谢!

时间:2024-11-17 15:37:38    编辑:azu

英雄联盟的132位英雄的英文名是什么 ? 要完整的 有中文的 谢谢!

暗裔剑魔 亚托克斯The Darkin BladeAatrox

九尾妖狐阿狸The Nine Tails FoxAhri

暗影之拳阿卡丽The Fist of ShadowAkali

牛头酋长阿利斯塔The MinotaurAlistar

英雄联盟的132位英雄的英文名是什么 ? 要完整的 有中文的 谢谢!

殇之木乃伊阿木木The Sad Mummy Amumu

冰晶凤凰艾尼维亚The CryophoenixAnivia

黑暗之女安妮The Dark ChildAnnie

寒冰射手艾希The Frost ArcherAshe

蒸汽机器人布里茨The Great Steam GolemBlitzcrank

复仇焰亮枣昌魂布兰德The Burning VengeanceBrand

皮城女警凯特琳The Sheriff of PiltoverCaitlyn

魔蛇之拥卡西奥佩娅The Serpent's EmbraceCassiopeia

虚空恐惧科'加斯The Terror of the VoidCho'Gath

英勇投弹手库奇The Daring BombardierCorki

诺克萨斯之手 德莱厄斯The Hand of NoxusDarius

皎月女神黛安娜Scorn of The MoonDiana

祖安狂人蒙多The Madman of Zaun Dr. Mundo

荣耀行刑官德莱文The Glorious ExecutionerDraven

蜘蛛女皇伊莉丝The Spider QueenElise

寡妇制造者伊芙琳The WidowmakerEvelynn

探险家伊泽瑞尔The Prodigal ExplorerEzreal

英雄联盟的132位英雄的英文名是什么 ? 要完整的 有中文的 谢谢!

末日使者费德提克The Harbinger of DoomFiddlesticks

无双剑姬菲奥娜The Grand DuelistFiora

潮汐海灵菲兹The Tidal TricksterFizz

哨兵之殇加里奥The Sentinel's SorrowGalio

海洋之灾普朗克The Saltwater ScourgeGangplank

德玛西亚之力盖伦The Might of DemaciaGaren

酒桶古拉加斯The Rabble RouserGragas

法外狂徒格雷福斯The OutlawGraves

战争之影 赫卡里姆The Shadow of WarHecarim

大发明家黑默丁格The Revered InventorHeimerdinger

刀锋意志艾瑞莉亚The Will of the BladesIrelia

风暴之怒迦娜The Storm's Fury Janna

德玛西亚皇子嘉文四世The Exemplar of DemaciaJarvan Ⅳ

武器大师贾克斯Grandmaster at Arms Jax

未来守护者杰斯The Defender of TomorrowJayce

暴走萝莉金克丝The Loose CannonJinx

天启者卡尔玛The Enlightened OneKarma

死亡颂唱者卡尔萨斯The DeathsingerKarthus

虚空行者卡萨敬扒丁The Void WalkerKassadin

不祥之岩悉刃卡特琳娜The Sinister BladeKatarina

审判天使凯尔The Judicator Kayle

狂暴之心凯南The Heart of the TempestKennen

虚空掠夺者卡'兹克The Void Reaver Kha'Zix

深渊巨口克格'莫The Mouth of the AbyssKog'Maw

诡术妖姬乐芙兰The DeceiverLeblanc

盲僧李青The Blind MonkLee Sin

曙光女神蕾欧娜The Radiant DawnLeona

冰霜女巫丽桑卓The Ice WitchLissandra

圣枪游侠卢锡安The Purifier Lucian

仙灵女巫璐璐The Fae Sorceress Lulu

光辉女郎拉克丝The Lady of LuminosityLux

熔岩巨兽墨菲特Shard of the MonolithMalphite

虚空先知玛尔扎哈The Prophet of the VoidMalzahar

扭曲树精茂凯The Twisted TreantMaokai

无极剑圣易The Wuju BladesmanMaster Yi

赏金猎人厄运小姐The Bounty HunterMiss Fortune

金属大师莫德凯撒The Master of MetalMordekaiser

堕落天使莫甘娜Fallen AngelMorgana

唤潮鲛姬娜美The Tidecaller Nami

沙漠死神内瑟斯The Curator of the SandsNasus

深海泰坦诺提勒斯The Titan of the DepthsNautilus

狂野女猎手奈德丽The Bestial HuntressNidalee

永恒梦魇魔腾The External NightmareNocturne

雪人骑士努努The Yeti RiderNunu

狂战士奥拉夫The Berserker Olaf

发条魔灵奥莉安娜The Lady of ClockworkOriana

战争之王潘森The Artisan of WarPantheon

钢铁大使波比The Iron AmbassadorPoppy

德玛西亚之翼奎因Demacia' WingsQuinn

披甲龙龟拉莫斯The Armordillo Rammus

荒漠屠夫雷克顿The Butcher of the SandsRenekton

傲之追猎者雷恩加尔The PridestalkerRengar

放逐之刃锐雯The Exile Riven

机械公敌兰博The Mechanized MenaceRumble

流浪法师瑞兹The Rogue MageRyze

凛冬之怒瑟庄妮The Winter's WrathSejuani

恶魔小丑萨科The Demon JesterShaco

暮光之眼慎Eye of TwilightShen

龙血武姬希瓦娜The Half-DragonShyvana

炼金术士辛吉德Mad Chemist Singed

亡灵勇士赛恩The Undead ChampionSion

战争女神希维尔The Battle MistressSivir

水晶先锋斯卡纳The Crystal VanguardSkarner

琴瑟仙女娑娜Maven of the StringsSona

众星之子索拉卡The Starchild Soraka

策士统领斯维因The Master TacticianSwain

暗黑元首辛德拉The Dark SovereighSyndra

刀锋之影泰隆The Blade's ShadowTalon

宝石骑士塔里克The Gem KnightTaric

迅捷斥候提莫The Swift ScoutTeemo

魂锁典狱长锤石The Chain WardenThresh

麦林炮手崔丝塔娜The Megling GunnerTristana

诅咒巨魔特朗德尔The Cursed TrollTrundle

蛮族之王泰达米尔The Barbarian KingTryndamere

卡牌大师崔斯特The Card MasterTwisted Fate

瘟疫之源图奇The Plague RatTwitch

野兽之灵乌迪尔The Animal SpiritUdyr

首领之傲厄加特The Headman's Pride Urgot

惩戒之箭 韦鲁斯The Arrow of RetributionVarus

暗夜猎手薇恩The Night Hunter Vayne

邪恶小法师维迦The Tiny Master of EvilVeigar

皮城执法官蔚The Piltover EnforcerVi

机械先驱维克托The Machine HeraldViktor

猩红收割者弗拉基米尔The Crimson ReaperVladimir

雷霆咆哮沃利贝尔The Thunder's RoarVolibear

嗜血猎手沃里克The Blood HunterWarwick

齐天大圣孙悟空The Monkey KingWukong

远古巫灵泽拉斯The Magus Ascendant Xerath

德邦总管赵信The Seneschal of DemaciaXin Zhao

掘墓者约里克The GravediggerYorick

生化魔人扎克The Secret WeaponZac

影流之主劫The Master of ShadowsZed

爆破鬼才吉格斯The Hexplosives ExpertZiggs

时光守护者基兰Chronokeeper Zilean

荆棘之兴婕拉Rise of The ThornsZyra

岩雀塔利娅 the Stoneweaver Taliyah

戏命师烬The Virtuoso Khada Jhin

青钢影卡蜜尔·菲罗斯The Steel Shadow Camille

